I am glad the art to hide in a book made it. In the U.S., the celebration of All Souls Day (Day of the Dead) is now very influenced by Mexican customs. I think the holiday is called " ‘Halottak Napja’" in Hungarian. More about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_the_Dead
Foglalkoztat a művészet több ága, a festészet, (digitális)grafika, fotó, jelenleg a mail art. Különösen érdekel a természet és a különböző kultúrák, történelmi korok együttélése a jelenben.
Posta: Torma Cauli, Budapest
1181. Csontváry K. T. u. 58. 3/8. Hungary
2 megjegyzés:
I am glad the art to hide in a book made it. In the U.S., the celebration of All Souls Day (Day of the Dead) is now very influenced by Mexican customs. I think the holiday is called " ‘Halottak Napja’" in Hungarian. More about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_the_Dead
Thank you! I'm still thinking about it.
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